California law provides strong protections to employees subjected to harassment and discrimination. Pregnancy retaliation and discrimination for standing up to discrimination remain unchecked. Employees know how to reach out to the best employment law firms if terminated wrongfully. Present employees are confused about what to do. They may get afraid about reporting unlawful conduct to Human Resources. What if the situation becomes worse? Human resources are concerned about protecting the organization instead of taking action for the employees. It makes employees either stay in the office with fingers on their lips or resign. But a pregnant worker should not get such treatment. Laws are equal for everyone.
Employees should know about their legal rights. It helps them decide whether to file a claim with one of the agencies, report internally, and enforces anti-discrimination laws. This post provides an overview of employment protections subjected to pregnancy retaliation and discrimination.
• Discrimination
FEHA or Fair Employment and Housing Act prohibit discrimination against employees because they belong to a protected category, from pregnancy to a disability. It includes refusing to promote or hire employees or discriminating against them in compensation or privileges of employment. So, an individual should know about their employment rights.
• Harassment
Employers are accountable for harassment by a supervisor if they are aware of the conduct and unable to take appropriate and immediate corrective action. Employers are bound to take all reasonable steps to prevent harassment from happening. An employee need not be terminated to complain about harassment in the workplace.
• Retaliation
Employer retaliating against an employee who opposes or reports pregnancy discrimination is unlawful. The FEHA imposes liability on an employer for failing to prevent retaliation. Therefore, employees should raise their voices against such discrimination and must file a complaint at employment firms for justice.
• Pregnancy Protections
Some firms are in disguise that pregnancy is a disability that doesn't allow employees to work, perform, and grow. They feel that employees need more leaves than coming to work. But, one cannot judge based on it. Pregnancy discrimination laws state differently.
Pregnancy discrimination laws consider pregnant workers’ safety, making them work according to their choice.